Wednesday, 18 September 2013


First attempt
 From the last Monday, when I and my fellow basketball members realised that the basketball club manager is no longer here, we have decided to run the club on our on. Last week, even though it's a bit late to say now, but we have did some basic planning for the first session of the new school year.
 Basically, we made a rough draft of a plan, involving the possible activities we will do on the session and how the game will play out. Frankly, I wasn't involve as much in the first draft of the planning but I sure was involved applying it on the day (last Wednesday).
 As the result, the day was fairly good, but there were some complaints from the members and the whole section lacked structure.

The "new plan"
 Therefore, I have made a newer version of the plan yesterday, just before the second session. In this plan, I have redesigned the warm up section into more detailed drills which is an improvement from the last time. I addition, I have also added a register for the club, in order to see how frequent and punctuate are the members of the club. Finally, as sort of a manager ( I guess I am the manager, I don't fully know) of the club, I have delegated some of the work to fellow members. Those delegations involve: 
  •  Splitting the people into two groups, thereby making the drill be more time efficient (delegated the work to the other leader of the group)
  • Assigning special tasks (recording the score-miss table for each participant, taking a video (still working on this) and recording the score) to the players who are not playing at the time, because two out of three teams will play, leaving one team to watch. 
 Those delegation shows that I have allocated the work to others in order to make the club run normally, otherwise I could not have done everything myself due to the fact that there is not enough time to perform them alone. 

 Today was a busy but exciting day. After the school has ended, I hurried to the gym to start the plan. In beginning, I was a bit nervous, due to my shy nature, but I found some courage in myself and started the club my announcing few important elements that my new plan had. 

Firstly, I took the register which I have made yesterday, and guess what; it was a great idea to know how many people came today, which will be helpful when it comes to splitting teams for games. I have also added two new member of the club, 2 year 8 girls. I guess my plan for the sign up sheet worked. Anyway, I found out the number of people and began the drills, everything went smoothly, until I and my friend found out the amount of drills was too little for half an hour. In panic, I quick asked one the older member of the club, if she had any good ideas, and luckily she had one. Next time I have something to improve on. 
 When the game has started, I took the responsibility of refereeing the first game, simply because it was my duty. Even though it was my first time doing this, but I did a pretty good job, hopefully not overly biased here, because of the times I watched how others refereed last year. 
 The part about recording the score-miss sheet, people picked it up very willingly, so there was no problem with that. Everyone was very collaborative today which really made happy and I hope this will continue throughout the year. 
 At last, it’s time for some criteria meeting session:
  • I have successfully identified the weakness of the last plan and has improved upon it, but still open for further improvement. 
  • The managing a club is a brand new challenge for me, because I have never done anything this size before. 
  • I have successfully planned the activities and enthusiastically initiated it as much as I could.   
  • On the route to today's small success I have learn the importance of collaboration.
  • I have shown perseverance and commitment throughout the last year in basketball club and this will continue this year as usual.
  • This maybe under considered, but in my posters I have welcomed everyone to join, regardless of the year, gender, which to certain extend attributes to the global issue of discrimination.
  • Concerning about ethics, our club will always play fair games and trying hardest to minimise injuries and any form of bullying. 
  • At last I have developed some managerial skills such as announcing news and applying theory into practice. 

Welcome to the basketball club!

The planning process

I have produced a poster for the basketball club after I decided I was going to run it. The poster was a sign which indicated the existence of the club so people can join. Although we already have some old members, but inviting new members to join is what a successful club should do in beginning of every new school year. 

Here is the poster and the sign up sheet which I have produced. I have been creative in making the poster, since there were many clubs doing the same thing. 
 By making the poster for the basketball club I have achieved:
  • Planning and initiating activities
  • Develop a new skill (making the poster)
P.S. a new post of evaluation and reflection will be up soon.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New school year, New plans

I am now in year 13

 This means that by journey to finish the IB is halfway through. As the new school year has started for few weeks already, I think it is a good time to revise the old plans and make new ones. (Side note: the shortage of post over the summer was due to limited access to Internet when I was in China, my apologies). Lets get back to the CAS.

Project: Basketball Club

In this year me and few of my classmate will take over the basketball club, since the our old CAS 
Coordinator and also manager or the club,Mr. Gray has sadly left the school. From the bright side, this opens an opportunity for me to be more involved in managing the club and initiating activities. This project will go as long as we, year 13 students, have time to manage it before the exams. I hope in this project I can learn some new skills and fulfill the necessary criteria for CAS. For more information, I will post regularly,once a week hopefully, on the recent changes and planning process of the project. 

Old activities 

Of course I wouldn't forget my old activities. Those are there to show my persistence to CAS. In this week I will reconstruct a new time table for my old and new activities as part of planning process. 

Currently, I am searching for good activity for Service part, if you have any good suggestions leave a comments. Even though the management of the club counts as service, but to fill on of the criteria for CAS, I need additional activities. Hopefully I will find it soon. 

For conclusion, I want to say to those who are doing CAS right now, CAS is a way to ameliorate yourself from the nonacademic side. In addition, CAS should be fun and new, where you try out new ideas, activities and where good fundamental qualities, like determination and persistence, are acquired. At last, for myself, I just want to say, that the blog will be updated more frequently as now I have Internet access, and I will try my best to enjoy and accomplish CAS.