After a week of practicing my left hand is now more or less able to write the english alphabet and some easy words.As you can see on the left of the page there are some of the practices that I have been doing so far. Fun fact- in the sentence"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" every letter in the alphabet has been used. This makes it a good sentence to practice because all of the letters must be written out.
It is clear that some of the letters are still a bit wiggly and not up to standard, but at least now it is recognisable which means a successful progress!
I will try to post more about my progress and my next goal is to write a small paragraph of text about myself.
In ambidextrous training I have achieved:
-undertaking new challenge
-be aware of my strengths and weaknesses
-develop new skills (one day my left will substitute my right)
-showing perseverance and commitment to the activity